Teeth and Gums 101: Teething


Teething is a normal condition experienced at varying degrees of discomfort for all children with teeth. It takes place when teeth break above the gum line, which, unfortunately, can be discomforting or painful for a young child. For a list of treatments for your child while teething, see below:

– Help your child with teething treatments if their teeth are visibly breaking through the gum line.
– If you feel that your child may be teething, look for changes in their personality, including increases in fussiness and irritability, as well as poor or irregular sleep habits.
– If your child is experiencing serious teething symptoms such as diarrhea, high fevers, or cold chills, visit their pediatrician immediately.
– There are many substances and tools that can be used to soothe pain caused by teething, including cold spoons, teething rings, teething toys, and gauze pads. Do not use teething tablets of children that are not yet at least 2 years old.
– If you have no approved teething utensils readily available, you can run your finger across your child’s gum as long as your hands are cleaned and disinfected prior.

If you notice signs of teething, fortunately, it can be treated. Crossroads Dental remains committed to your oral health, and you are welcome to book an appointment with us by calling 830.261.3336. Stop by our dentist office in Luling, Texas, and Dr. Christine Hervas and our team will give you the treatment you need. We would be glad to take care of any oral health care needs you may have.