The Promises Our ADA Dentist Makes to Your Family


Our dentist, Dr. Christine Hervas is an active member of the American Dental Association, which means she makes promises every day to make sure every patient has the best dental experience possible. These promises are:

No. 1: Respect a patient’s wants and needs

You have the right to be involved in every decision about your child’s treatment. This means she will give you recommendations on the treatment that is necessary but you will make the final choice. This promise also means that you can expect privacy and confidentiality with your child’s dental treatment and oral health.

No. 2: Do no harm

Your dentist does her absolute best to keep you safe and healthy. This means she attends continuing education courses to keep up to date with the latest technology and treatment available.

No. 3: Do good

Your dentist provides high-quality treatment as fast as possible. This promise also means that if she does not have the best skills needed for treatment, your child will be referred to another dentist or surgeon when necessary.

No. 4: Be fair

Your dentist will treat everyone the exact same, which means she will not discriminate and will provide the best dental care possible without prejudice.

No. 5: Be truthful

Dr. Christine Hervas will do her best to create a relationship with your family that is based on trust and honesty. That way, your child will feel more comfortable in the dental chair and you will feel confident that your child is receiving the best treatment possible.

As you can see, our dentist in Luling, Texas, tries her best to be a dentist you can trust and count on to give your child the top-notch oral healthcare they deserve. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call Crossroads Dental today at 830.261.3336 and schedule an appointment with Dr. Christine Hervas. Our goal is to help your family have the quality care they deserve!